
Two open wagons

No.102 – Mercian models kit, a resin body on a white metal chassis.

No.103 – Peco plastic kit. A spillage of Plastic Weld caused the sides to bow in.

These are the only two wagons with integral chassis, all the others use old RTR wagon chassis.

Smallbrook studio van

No.201 – Smallbrook Studio van, a resin kit.

Scratchbuilt styrene vans

Nos.210 & 211 – Scratchbuilt styrene vans. Both have at least one door partly open for a bit of extra interest. I used blobs of PVA glue applied with a cocktail stick to represent the rivet heads.

Balsa open wagon

No.301 – Balsa bodied low sided open wagon. I have a habit of using spare open wagons to store odd bits, I’ll have to find some proper boxes before I start running the railway.

Balsa drop-sided open wagons

Nos.310 & 311 – Drop-sided open wagons.

Flatbed wagon

No.401 – Flatbed, scratchbuilt from limewood.

Balsa round-ended flatbeds

Nos.410 & 411 – Balsa round-ended flatbeds.

Bogie flat wagon

No.420 – Bogie flat. The wheelsets are from Hornby HAA wagons, the sides are styrene and the deck balsa. Sitting on it is some sort of torpedo, made from an old biro pen cartridge.

None of the wagons are really finished yet, as you can see a few still need painting and I want to give them all a dusting of weathering powder and a coat of varnish at some point. The couplings are the Greenwich type, which can be operated magnetically from beneath the board. Quite a few wagons still need their couplings adding.